Nutritional Health
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.“
~Thomas Edison
Nutrition is one of the pillars of our health and nutritional deficiencies contribute to many health-related difficulties.
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Gluten has been shown to be associated with many different diseases that can affect every aspect of the body and mind.
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Food intolerances, which have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, are not allergies as defined in the allopathic tradition, but they can lead to a host of health problems as diverse as irritable bowel, eczema, migraines, heartburn, depression, fatigue, and inattention – just to name a few.
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Heart Health and Type 2 Diabetes
While many of these conditions develop slowly from childhood, they can also be turned around and managed very successfully.
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In a society that is abundant in processed food, it is no wonder that we have trouble maintaining a healthy weight.
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Busy lives with many layers of stress and challenge can have an insidious effect on health and wellbeing